In November of 2015, Congress enacted laws that changed a number of claiming strategies to Social Security. These changes are significant and could reduce the amount of benefits that you would have otherwise received from Social Security over you lifetime.
Below is a link to our webinar – Smart Social Security, An Urgent Update, Changes To The Laws The Could Affect You! This webinar will not only address the changes to the Social Security claiming strategies, but we will also discuss the 4 greatest risks to your retirement we all face today.
Webinar-Smart Social Security, An Urgent Update Changes To Social Security Laws That Could Affect You Now!
Select This Link
Summary: Three phases of implementation
Next two months:
- It’s business as usual. However, complete and return “The Smart Social Security Benefits Maximizer Intake Form” I’ve provided you asap. For your convenience, I’ve attached another form to this email.
- Anyone over Full Retirement Age (FRA) can still file and suspend and allow spouse to a claim spousal benefit (now or later if the future). However, if you do not implement this strategy prior to April 29th you will miss out.
- Anyone over FRA today can file a restricted application for spousal benefit.
Through 2019:
- Anyone turning FRA can file a restricted application for spousal benefits, however,…
- After April 30, 2016 there will be no file and suspend and spousal benefits cannot be claimed on a benefit suspended.
After 2020:
- It’s “Game Over”. There are no file and suspend, no restricted application options available and in all likelihood by then there will be new restrictions and limitation imposed. The bottom line is DON’T PROCRASTINATE!
What To Do Now:
- Schedule your Free* Consultation to Review the claiming strategies available to you.
- Share this information with a friend, relative or co-worker. They will be VERY appreciative!
* (Free Offer Good Until 04/29/16)
It’s a Good Life!
Randall A. Luebke RFC, IAR, RMA
President – Lifetime Paradigm, Inc.
Main Home Page –
Hi Randy
FYI the link for the S.S. update is not down loading.
The link is good, Steve. Please try again and be sure that your browser is not blocking any pop-ups because when you select the link a new browser window will open which could be misinterpreted by your browser.